Dissecting Digital Health

DDH E004 - Harpreet Sood



Dr Harpreet Sood, like many of us, fell into a career in clinical informatics. Now he is dedicating his career to creating opportunities for clinical informaticians to be the next generation of health informatics leaders. Your host is Dr. Louise Schaper (https://www.linkedin.com/in/louiseschaper) With special thanks to our guest Dr. Harpreet Sood (https://uk.linkedin.com/in/hssood) Access the full interview transcript here (https://medium.com/@louise_schaper/8c87bea4714f) This podcast is produced by Ivan Juric (https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f392ba3edd11faa5) CONTACT US: Suggest a guest via dissectingdigitalhealth@gmail.com Tweet Louise at @louise_schaper Tweet Harpreet at @hssood Want to learn more about digital health and health informatics - join HISA: Australia's Digital Health Community www.hisa.org.au