Dissecting Digital Health

DDH E011 - Lesley Holdsworth



We need more allied health professionals in digital health. We need more Lesley Holdsworths! A physiotherapist by training, Lesley has spent the last 20 years opening doors with her strategic, visionary approach to digital health and her strong leadership. Your host is Dr. Louise Schaper https://www.linkedin.com/in/louiseschaper With special thanks to our guest Dr. Lesley Holdsworth https://www.linkedin.com/in/lesley-holdsworth-03a2151b Access the full interview transcript here https://medium.com/@louise_schaper/dissecting-digital-health-lesley-holdsworth-dea48fe74941 This podcast is produced by Ivan Juric https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f392ba3edd11faa5 CONTACT US: Suggest a guest via dissectingdigitalhealth@gmail.com Tweet Louise at @louise_schaper Tweet Lesley at @lesleyahpd Want to learn more about digital health and health informatics - join HISA: Australia's Digital Health Community www.hisa.org.au