The Biddy Tarot Podcast: Tarot | Intuition | Empowerment

BTP68: How to Choose Your First Tarot Deck



One question I get asked a lot is “How do I know which Tarot deck to choose?” This is often something that Tarot beginners will ask me at the start of their journey, so this podcast is completely focused on how you can choose your first Tarot deck. Choosing a Tarot deck may seem like a simple task, but today there are so many choices out there. Every time you jump onto Kickstarter, there’s always a new Tarot deck coming out. And there are hundreds of decks on Amazon. In this podcast episode, I’ll share few tips to help make this decision a little bit easier for you. Plus, I’ve pulled together a free PDF downloadable checklist to help you choose your first Tarot deck. In this episode you’ll learn: How to choose a Tarot deck that’s right for you and your learning process What to look for when shopping for that first Tarot deck Additional Resources Download the PDF checklist to help you choose your first Tarot deck Check out some of my other Tarot tips on the Biddy Tarot blog Get your free copy of my workbook: