The Biddy Tarot Podcast: Tarot | Intuition | Empowerment

BTP110: From the Archive: Coming Out of the Tarot Closet



Many Tarot readers have a lot of fears around coming out of the Tarot closet, and many of them ask, “Should I? And if so, when?” For some people, the answer is easy! For others, perhaps because of their profession or community, the decision to be public about Tarot reading isn’t so easy.  In this episode, we are digging into the Biddy Tarot Podcast archives to bring you a special chat around this very thing. We’ll cover when to come out of the Tarot closet, how to do it, and what you need to consider as you're doing it!  Additional Resources  Join the Biddy Tarot Community to meet other Tarot enthusiasts!  Order the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck on Amazon