Dress Code Cracker: The Podcast -- Style And Communication

Dress Code Cracker Episode 13: Cyndi Zhang



Cyndi is a heavy metal guitarist based in Toronto. I loved that in talking about her style evolution, she said “I don’t always have to be looking at my vinyl album covers and trying to look like these guys from the eighties”--without any irony.  We discussed dressing for the stage and dressing with LOTS of full colour tattoos, and her belief in showing a little 'cleave'.  Her interests are music, record collecting and pro wrestling, and she likes to take inspiration from 'strange places', sometimes disappearing down the etsy hole looking for the perfect see through robe.  Please check out her band Call of the Wild including their FB page.  As always please also click over to dresscodecracker.com for pictures and more about Cyndi!  thanks for your time~