Seniors Flourish Podcast | Occupational Therapy

Acute Care + Occupational Therapy



What is Occupational Therapy's role in Acute Care? Sarah Stromsdorfer MS, OTR from talks about the best parts and the challenges of being a practitioner in this role. She also talks about acute care treatment ideas and assessments used.   Resources from the Show: Focusing on Occupation in Occupational Therapy Podcast (#1 downloaded Seniors Flourish episode!) Occupational Therapy Intervention In Acute Care Occupational Therapy in Acute Care Research: Higher hospital spending on occupational therapy is associated with lower readmission rates. Medical Care Research and Review, 1–19. This episode is brought to you by the Seniors Flourish Learning Lab Membership The Learning Lab is a membership helping new OT practitioners, OT students and those transitioning to working with older adults from another setting through mentorship, having resources and handouts at your fingertips and making you feel more confident and competent in your job. Skip buying an OT book and dive into an OT membership resource!