Seniors Flourish Podcast | Occupational Therapy

Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question: AOTA Choosing Wisely Campaign



Resources from the Show: AOTA Choosing Wisely Campaign: Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question Kettle Test Cognitive Performance Test (CPT)   This episode of the Seniors Flourish Podcast is brought to you by Promenaid Promenaid is the world’s first code-compliant continuous handrail combining elegance, versatility, and easy installation. Promenaid handrails can climb stairs and navigate any corner or change in slope so your patients can safely go where they want (& need!) to go. Thanks for Listening! I appreciate you taking the time to join me this week. If you have ANY suggestions on OT podcast topics focusing on the older adult, I'd love to hear your suggestions. Head on over to And don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates and be sure to not miss an episode. Plus, it's free!