Seniors Flourish Podcast | Occupational Therapy

Using the Allen Cognitive Levels with Older Adults: Part 1



How can the Allen Cognitive Levels help you to provide better treatments for our patients with a cognitive impairment? How can we use this theory to make better discharge planning? How can we help our patient's be successful in their own environments with dementia? Dr Patricia Cornille OTD and Carol Luhman OTR, both former presidents of the Allen Cognitive Network, share how we can integrate this model into our practice to produce better client centered treatments and help our patient's live life to the fullest (episode 1 of 2)! Resources: Allen Diagnostic Modle (ADM) Starting an Allen Cognitive Level Program Guide LACLS - Large Allen Cognitive Level Screen Correlates with the Global Deterioration Scale Routine Task Inventory Allen Cognitive Network ACDM app OT Innovations Pat Cornille's website - Vita Cura: Memory Care in Communities Learn More About Our Sponsor: The Learning Lab Membership is the source for treatment ideas, patient handouts, clinical resources, EBP journal club AND more! Join today at Seni