Innovation Rising, Presented By Healthbox

Episode 15: Bonus — Live from SXSW with Neil Patel and Leland Brewster



This week we have a special episode that was recorded live SXSW in Austin. This year, SXSW featured a track on Healthcare from 3/10 - 3/14 which Neil Patel, Leland Brewster (, and I attended, as well as a number of the tech and innovation focused. We had a great time and learned a lot and in this episode we cover some of the important things we learned and emerging trends we saw.   In this episode we discuss: New developments around genetic data and the importance of this data as it relates to gene editing The safety and infrastructure layers of data protecting and sharing Corporate Innovation: advice for both corporations and startups Corporate Innovation Resources from NESTA Better Collaboration with Corporates: Downloadable Tools for Startups Better collaboration with startups: Downloadable tools for corporates   Better collaboration with startups: Tips for corporates and Better collaboration w