Baked In Science

E2 - The Future of Mixing



BAKED in Science S1 E2: The Future of Mixing Do you beat the heck out of your dough during mixing and make it as warm as possible? If so, I’d like to introduce you to a new form of cool mixing from Rapidojet. Here, we learn about Dr. Bernard Noll’s startup story for Rapidojet: continuous hydration mixing technology. From Minimal Viable Product (MVP) that didn’t sell well, to learning about how the Australians inspired him, He talks about his vision for Rapidojet and explains why it suits continuous mixing. Where else can bakers use this technology? Gluten hydration. On the macromolecular level, Rapidojet penetrates the surface tension and hydrates the individual gluten particles between 250-500 km/h. At such force, Rapidojet does two things that the traditional mixer doesn’t: - It atomizes water onto individual particles that are free falling, which increases the surface area for interaction. - The force of the water (on impact) is energy converted directly into the dough (energy and work are what develops