Baked In Science

E13 - Cleaning Up Your Label



The future of baking is clean label. And the future of clean label is sourdough. Why? Sourdough systems are cleaner systems. They involve a natural process and call for just a few ingredients. And low pH means mold isn’t really an issue. So how do you bake a clean label Sourdough? To answer that question, I first talk with George DePasquale a baker with Essential Baking Company. They work with organic ingredients and a simple label as much as possible. Their sourdough products have been taking off the last 5 years. We talk about why fermentation and sourdough work so well for clean label, the biggest challenges, and ways to fine tune the process. I also answer a few of George’s questions, like: - How to replace Mono and Diglycerides - What enzymes to use - Why a thermal profile can make a big difference - How protein can help your crust For another perspective on sourdough, I’m joined by David Deblauwe, a sourdough baker at Puratos. He has worked in bakeries since the age of 12 and has a real passion f