Baked In Science

E22 -BAKERpedia Questions Answered by Dr. Lin and Dr. Debi



Every day we get questions on the BAKERpedia website. With over a thousand visits a day from people all over the world, it’s no surprise! When it comes to the commercial baking industry, there’s a lot of processes and ingredients that have to be just right so the product comes out perfect and delicious—and unique to the brand! So today to help with your unique questions, we’re going to give you some technical answers. I’m joined by Dr. Debi Rodgers, the director of baking services at AIB International. Dr. Debi teaches about the function of ingredients,science-related bakery functions and more for AIB’s classes. Together, we tackle your questions! We cover a lot of issues, like how to solve shelf life issues for both mold and staling or how to troubleshoot mixing, proofing and finishing problems. Through it all, we talk ingredient functionality, where to use what, and the science behind baking. Here are a few of the questions we answer are: - What additives are added to flour and their function - Wha