Baked In Science

E39 - Cancer Causing Baking Ingredients



Do we need to be concerned with the ingredients we’re eating and baking with? You may be familiar with the concern over the use of ADA (Azodicarbonamide) in bread. Although the additive is banned in some places, such as the EU, it can be used in the U.S. Dr. Lin Carson talks with Kristine Sherred from William Reed Business Media to clear the air on ADA and other ingredients currently in the spotlight. ADA is used as a whitening agent in cereal flour, as well as a dough conditioner in bread baking. Dr. Lin explains why bakers begin using this ingredient, and the roll it plays in high speed bread production. But is it dangerous? Dr. Lin goes into why ADA shouldn’t scare you. The two discuss the media coverage of this ingredient, the difference in regulations around the globe, and what science has to say about it. A few talking points are: - Why the U.S. allows food other parts of the world doesn't - Public perception on chemical ingredients - Scientific studies done on ADA - Other ing