Baked In Science

E41 - What's New at IBIE 2019 pt. 1



Every 3 years, the baking industry gets together for the International Baking Industry Exposition (IBIE). And every 3 years we love exploring it to find new innovations, solutions, and trends. Follow along on the show room floor with Dr. Lin, as she learns about what’s new at IBIE 2019! Thermal Profiling with BakeWATCH: You’ve probably heard Dr. Lin talk about the importance of thermal profiling before. Learn about the technology that makes tracking arrival, yeast kill, starch gelatinization and more possible. ECD has the tools to help you be objective and efficient with bake times and proofing. Learn more: Sourdough with Puratos: Did you know there’s a Sourdough Library that’s home to starters from over 120 countries? Learn about why Puratos studies sourdough, why it’s important to the baking industry, and how you can use liquid sourdough products to make your own signature bread. Learn more: