Baked In Science

E42 - What's New at IBIE 2019 pt. 2



The biggest baking show deserves more than one podcast! Part 2 of BAKERpedia at IBIE 2019 includes virtual reality, innovative bake lines, and delicious toppings. Every 3 years, the baking industry gets together for the International Baking Industry Exposition (IBIE). And every 3 years we love exploring it to find new innovations, solutions, and trends. Follow along on the show room floor with Dr. Lin, as she learns about what’s new at IBIE 2019! Virtual Inspector & BakePro Certification with AIB International Training continues to evolve, and more facilities are looking for convenient options. So AIB has come up with online classes, and customized training based on the company’s equipment and products. There’s also the virtual inspector, which teaches employees how do self inspections in an engaging, game-like way. Learn more at PGP International | Gluten-free Solutions Learn about this range of organic rice products. From functional flours like pre-gel to extruded goo