Building Genius Podcast

Episode #3: Icynene ProSeal & Icynene ProSeal Eco closed cell spray foam



In this episode of the Building Genius podcast, our guest John Broniek talks about the characteristics of two popular Icynene spray foam products: Icynene ProSeal, a high-performance closed-cell spray foam insulation, and Icynene ProSeal Eco, a 100% water-blown closed-cell spray foam insulation product.   John is senior engineer with Icynene, and has been involved in improving the energy efficiency and durability of buildings throughout North America since 1990.    Interviewer: John, Icynene entered the closed-cell spray foam market only recently. Can you give us an insight into how Icynene got into the market and the current product line-up?   John: Yes. Icynene got into the closed-cell medium-density spray foam market around 2009. It seemed to be a natural progression of our product line-up, which up to that point, consisted of open-cell, low- or light-density foams. We wanted to give our customers greater flexibility, greater choice, in terms of product options because closed-cell, medium-densi