Mastermind Your Launch

53: Trey Roth, Yaystack, letting go of the good to pursue the great



Yaystack is word-of-mouth referral marketing in a digital platform that reaches further faster than traditional methods. We simply reward sharing. Our native app and online e-commerce tool enable sellers of nearly any product or service to offer "thank-yous" (promotions, freebies, and discounts) to their buyers only once they have been shared via text or social media. This share-to-get model empowers advertising through buyers to their friends (and their friends, etc.) in an automated viral system. (What business doesn't want to easily reach their buyers' friends?) Gone are the days the age-old discount incentivizes merely one buyer per transaction. With Yaystack, businesses can now leverage the same value to purchase the Holy Grail of marketing (WOM) and get more than 10x return on their investment - now in their buyers, not banners! We monetize trust for both parties. Our mission is to strengthen economy by elevating quality business. Not only do we accomplish this in our model, but we also make it easy to