Mastermind Your Launch

55: Connor Ford, Spirit App, from curious youngster to teenage CEO



In episode 55, we hear from Connor Ford, CEO of Spirit App and soon-to-be freshman at Georgia Tech. That’s right, this edu-tech CEO hasn’t even taken his first college course yet...   Connor share’s his journey to develop the tech company Spirit App at the age of 15 and all of the early signs that predicted his success.   It’s so inspiring to watch a bright, young person like Connor execute his vision with such precision and confidence. Mission: As a 15 year old high school student, Connor noticed a pain point in the way that his school tracked student participation at events. Connecting the dots, he discovered that he could leverage technology to create an app that would solve the problem. With that, Spririt App was born. Mindset: Connor attributes his curiosity and love of tinkering with giving him the confidence and base of knowledge to tackle a project like Spirit App at such a young age. Listen to hear a hilarious story of one project that actually had him tearing up the walls in his house. A fun surpris