Taps And Tees

Marketing Interviews ~ Jim Palmer ~ https://www.getjimpalmer.com/



The online coaching business has exploded. Most business owners know they could benefit from coaching. But shady online “gurus” have tricked them into believing it’s possible to become an overnight success. But that’s not the case. It takes time to build a relationship and time to grow a sustainable business. In this episode, marketing and business coach Jim Palmer discusses why relationships are key to a thriving business and the truth about how long it takes to create a successful marketing campaign.  Show highlights include: The top trait that predicts the success of a coach-client connection(10:46) The six-month rule for profitable coaching and marketing relationships (11:23) The smartest thing you can do as an entrepreneur to build a bulletproof business (15:01) Why turning down clients makes them appreciate you even more than if you worked with them (17:32) Dream Business branding secrets that make you irresistible to the right clients (20:41) If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure you head on over to