Fearless And Healthy Podcast:high Performance|daily Rituals|life Transformations

Quick Tip Friday - How To Deal With Haters



A few years ago, I let people's opinions effect many of the big decisions in my life. I remember being so worried about whether my ideas would be accepted by everyone and let fear dictate my decision making. Can you relate? I truly believe that many of us hold back on our biggest dreams because of the those little voices in our head. Haters have a way of making us feel our voice is insignificant and that we aren't worth sharing our ideas with the world. After personally dealing with this internal battle, I made the decision to say screw it. If you have a desire to make a positive difference in this world, I encourage you to go all in.  The world is changed by examples, not opinions. I believe in you. --- Thank you for listening!   Lets grow together in our Facebook Group. To receive inspiring new episodes and updates Subscribe Here! Please Email me directly at Ian@FearlessAndHealthy.com  If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a review to help support our mission!