Fearless And Healthy Podcast:high Performance|daily Rituals|life Transformations

Jake Heilbrunn - Discovering Your Purpose Off The Beaten Trail



Jake Heilbrunn is the author of Off the Beaten Trail, an inspiring memoir about his journey leaving college and solo backpacking through Central America at 18 with no phone or knowledge of Spanish. An emerging leader of his generation, he has reached thousands of people through his blog posts, inspirational videos and motivational talks at high schools. At 19, Jake has been featured in Psychology Today, Thought Catalog, The San Diego Union Tribune, and various other sites. He is dedicated to empowering people to live a life of purpose through listening to their inner voice, heeding their intuition and then taking action. Check out Jake's new book Off The Beaten Trail Visit his website at www.JakeHeilbrunn.com   Thank you for listening!   Lets grow together in our Facebook Group. To receive inspiring new episodes and updates Subscribe Here! Please Email me directly at Ian@FearlessAndHealthy.com  If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a review to help support our mission!