100pedals Talk

Attack Addiction - The Tyler Keister Story



Tragedy changes us, it transforms us, it crushes us.  While some are broken by the loss, others grab hold of the horns and fight through to make a difference in the lives of those around them. This is the story of Tyler Armstrong Keister and his family. Lost to his addiction, Tyler's family have made a commitment to aTAcK Addiction! Their efforts to being education and awareness to families in the Delaware area is inspiring and game changing. They may never get past the loss of their son, but this family is committed to preventing other families from going through a similar journey. When you listen to this podcast you will hear the all to familiar story of a wondeful, talented young man taken far too early in his life by addiction. You will also hear about a family's relentless commitment to educate, inform and inspire. Finally, you will hear about activities and resources that have been created and developed in Delaware that need to expand into other states.  This could be your call to action. Links of Inter