100pedals Talk

Managing the Chaos of Addiction in the Family



  Today’s guest, Chavonne Long didn’t know what to do when she realized her son had an addiction.  Rather that react, she responded.  Her response was to learn everything about addiction, the impact that her son’s drug of choice had on his brain and on his recovery, and she set out to manage how the family would interact and communicate in the face of this issue.     It wasn’t always smooth or easy. It was like learning a foreign language. She did it.     Addiction can and does destroy families. Today’s podcast offers constructive perspectives on how to minimize or better manage the impact of addiction on the family.     In this podcast, we cover three critical learning areas for parents who are struggling with addiction in their family:     How to create and define expectations for everyone, including the one with the addiction, that facilitates respect, communication, and understanding; The critical importance of self-care in coming from place of strength and clarity in managing this issue; The power