100pedals Talk

Getting through the Addiction Journey involves Hope, Belief, and a Team



Today's guest, Midwestern Mama, went searching on the internet to find the answers for dealing with her son's addiction. Frustrated by her inability to find cohesive information for simplest of searches, she knew she would need to build a better on-line community, someday. In the meantime, she studied, researched, and interacted in many of the same ways every parent does. Except, she kept a mindful eye on managing the other relationships and resposibilities in her life - her other children, her husband, and her career.  Maintaining balance while learning, while growing an on-line support community helped her navigate and evolve through the difficult, challenging, and painful experiences of her son's addiction.  Today, her online community, Our Young Addicts is a manifestation of the lessons learned and the resources built through her journey and experiences, plus the wisdom and insight of others.   Resources: Our Young Addicts (Website) Our Young Addicts (Twitter) Our Young Addicts (Facebook)