Papa Time

Episode 16 :: Cryptids, right now, are what make me interested in other countries.



It's probably time to share Kinsley's favorite book about cryptids, which is Tales of the Cryptids. It's safe to say that Plutarch's Lives is not one of Kinsley's favorites, but she and Sophie are both good sports about wading through it anyway. Haliburton's Complete Book of Marvels was not an inexpensive book, but it has been a huge hit in our house, and therefore was a very worthwhile purchase for our family library. In case you wonder about the talk of beating one's pate with a good stout cudgel - we have been reading The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood together. It has been a surprisingly big hit amongst the children. Other books mentioned in this episode: The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling - Uncle Zion gave the family a copy of this book illustrated by Robert Ingpen. Ingpen's illustrations are absolutely some of the best we've ever had in a family read aloud. We're huge fans.  The TinTin Series by Herge (An absolute must have!) Music by