Team Guru Podcast

017 - Chris Burton - Team Development



Leading and developing their team is the core responsibility of anyone in a leadership position. In this episode of the Team Guru Podcast I speak with Chris Burton. Chris has been working with teams and training team facilitators for nearly 20 years. Chris oozes passion and knowledge about team development. He has a deep theoretical understanding of the phycology of developing, leading and participating in a team environment – and you’ll hear that oose out of him. But just as importantly, Chris has a clear understanding that although it is lovely, rewarding, and it feels good to be part of a happy and healthy team – the only reason leaders and organisations spend time and money developing team culture is to improve the bottom line. Healthy teams produce higher quality work. They are more efficient, collaborative and creative. Everything Chris talks about is linked back to the work that a team does – the value they add to the organisation Whether you’re in a formal leadership position or not – if you’r