Team Guru Podcast

097 - Life's instruction book with Lisa Stephenson



If only life came with a set of instructions. What a great concept. I’m not sure we’d all follow them or if many of us would even read them. But it’d be nice to know they were there. But there not or perhaps, they we not, until now. Here at the Team Guru podcast I get a lot of books come my way. But the one belonging to Lisa Stephenson, my guest in this episode, jumped out at me from the moment I saw it. It’s title Read Me First. Is simple and intriguing. So I read it. And found inside I found a fabulous story, wonderfully written about a women piloting herself through life. And learning a bunch of heavy lessons along the way. Through the pages of her book, I could feel Lisa’s personality. Her tenacity, her intelligence, and her energy. And that’s exactly what I found when I chatted to her for this episode. Lisa has taken the lessons she has extracted from life. She’s made sense of them, and found a way to share them so we can make a little more sense of our own lives.