Positive Feedback Podcast

The Anthropocene - a new epoch, all of our own making



What is the anthropocene, and could it be anything other than a really bad news story for us humans that created it? This episode is a recording of a session from the 2017 Brisbane Writers Festival, featuring: *Clair Brown, economics professor at the University of California and author of Buddhist Economics - http://buddhisteconomics.net/about/ *Charles Massy, sheep farmer, academic and landscape manager and author of Call of the Reed Warbler -https://www.booksandpublishing.com.au/articles/2017/07/18/93409/call-of-the-reed-warbler-charles-massy-uqp/ *Clive Hamilton, public ethics professor at Charles Sturt University, writer and author of Defiant Earth - http://clivehamilton.com/books/defiant-earth-the-fate-of-humans-in-the-anthropocene/ Follow host Graham Readfearn twitter.com/readfearn