Veteran Resource Podcast

025 Jon Jackson - STAG VETS



Jon Jackson founded STAG VETS INC. in 2014 to assist homeless veterans, veterans in need and veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury.  Jon earned his stripes by serving his country with the elite 75th Ranger Regiment.  While serving, Jon endured six deployments with a combine total of 40 months of combat time in his first 8 years of service.While overseas Jon provided direct support to multidisciplinary Special Operations Teams spread across austere environments. His Can-Do anything attitude was essential for him to thrive in an environment where critical decisions needed to be made that had a positive impact on every mission.For his actions, Jon was awarded numerous awards and decorations to include the Bronze star for exceptional Cross Continental Management skills that resulted in the kill and capture of High Value Enemy Targets.  Although Jon achieved so much as an US Army Airborne Ranger, the extensive combat deployments paid its price. In January 2013 Jon was diagnosed w