Veteran Resource Podcast

044 Nancy Pitchford-Zhe - Blue Star Ranch



Nancy’s interest in horses began at 16 months of age when she received a rocking horse on the first Christmas she can remember. Her interest in the challenges disabled people faced every day started with her Great Uncle Walter who she first met when she was 3 years of age. Uncle Walter was blind. He had lost his sight when he was taking money earned from his business to the bank for deposit. He was robbed by a thug who hit him with a blackjack (as it was called in those days), knocked him unconscious and robbed him of his hard earned money. Uncle Walter was kind, sweet, and never complained about his misfortune. At the time he was a young man, engaged to be married. He broke the engagement because he did not want to burden the girl he loved. Nancy was fascinated by what he could do without sight. Play the piano, he had even taught piano. He took care of his invalid sister, and did all the cooking. Later as a teen-ager, Nancy baby sat a disabled child. In the early 1980’s Nancy went through a life altering exp