Time To Teach

E41S6 Evidence And Learning Activities



E41S6 In today's episode we explore the last part of designing amazing units: the evidence and learning activities. Amazing units don't just happen accidentally; they happen intentionally. Listen to find out how to plan for evidence that your students have met the learning objectives, and then learning experiences that lead to the unit's big ideas and objectives.  0:00 Intro  0:52 Episode introduction 3:44 Wins and Fails Segment 9:70 Episode topic begins (Evidence) 17:51 Lesson plans and learning activities 26:48 Episode and series 6 wrap up  28:44 Outro  Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & to listen online: Time to Teach Website Links Time to Teach Facebook Page Teachers For Effective Curriculum Facebook Group (Facebook Group) My Blog: Notes From A First Grade Classroom Music Credits: Adventures by A Himitsu @a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music released by Argofox youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Music provided by Audio Library youtu.b