On Being Animals

OBA Bonus Episode 4 - Deep Loner Doughnut



Did you know that Deb Ring was deep? Super deep. Just supes deep. She brought her deepness and great comedic instinct to the OBA studio for this episode on the Deep Loner Doughnut. We also figured out daily head measurements, the ol' choke n stroke, and the worst car joke of all time. Most egregious error: We were pretty good on the facts thanks to tons of google searches during the episode. Deb even passed the IUD quiz. The biggest error would be me messing up the sound. This is the 21st episode and I'm still not great at it. Deb's not a loud mouth, I'm a shitty sound-tech. Science level: good juicy facts, but mostly silly tangents in this one.  Animals, behaviour, and being people.