On Being Animals

OBA Episode 26 - Silent Flight Eye Tubes



Dear humans, do you like water? Are you ever near small rocks? Are you unsure of your place in the world? Then this episode is definitely for you! Ashley invited me back to her Pinterest home and brought her inquisitive mind along on our quest to discover the Silent Flight Eye Tubes. On the way we learned more about the supernatural, how to survive after crashing a plane in the wilderness, and affairs. Most egregious errors: I called the hole in a tree a burrow, but burrows are underground. The hole in a tree would be a hollow or a cavity. Also, just like in the last episode, I said that fish can't hear, but I've recently learned that there are tons of fish that can hear, isn't that exciting? But the type of fish we are taking about in the past two episodes can't hear. But others can! Science level: medium. I used some fancy words, but I didn't know what they meant. Ash had some great questions that I answered with noises instead of science.