On Being Animals

OBA Episode 30 - Drumming Hard Axehead



Back to the real stuff! You've had enough of me pantlessly yammering on about how Orcas make me cry, so I put on my finest denims to host Layoma and her pug-baby Bella. We three went on a quest to discover more about the Drumming Hard Axehead. Along the way, we learned more about vegan corndogs, how scary it is to decide what to do with your life, and how to select teammates for an orgy. If you hear little snorts in the background, that's Bella the second cutest pug in the world.  Most egregious error: not giving Bella more time on the mic! She's so cute. I also forgot to explain how this animals has sex. It's not particularly remarkable, but I could have gone more into it. Maybe next episode. Science level: pretty dang high. Bergman's rule comes up, we talk about acceleration, forces, all sorts of science type stuff.