On Being Animals

OBA Episode 34 - Lonely Bellowing Backwards Double-U



Double your pleasure and double your fun! That's the slogan for our 2020 presidential campaign. Melissa and I will run as equals and our mandate will be to double anything that's good in life. To launch our campaign, we are releasing this podcast on the Lonely Bellowing Backwards Double-U. In it, we explore early puberty, KIDS, and poop chutes. These are all separate things. And KIDS is much sadder than you think, but it is life and life is a struggle. Not always fair. Most egregious error: I said we would run for president in 2022. That's not the right year. Also, I didn't know what taxonomic rank mammals were. I say kingdom and backpedal to order, but they are a class. Boy do I have egg on my face. Egg from a monotreme, the order of mammals that lay eggs. On my face. Science level: Not super high. Don't get me wrong, we are talking science, but there are some great stories. The one on 10 year old Melissa at the end is a real gem.