On Being Animals

OBA Episode 41 - Curious Clever Handed Recluse



It’s time to start the Russell Books phase of the On Being Animals podcast. Russell Books is this used bookstore in Victoria where I work and it is the best bookstore I’ve ever been in. Am I saying this in order to get promoted? Maybe. You’ll just have to come and check out the bookstore in order to find out. Make sure you set aside a couple of hours. It is legit. It makes Chapters look like a heavy diaper covered expired foot cream.  So why is this podcast entering the Russell Books phase? Because I have met some wonderful humans there and many of them will be coming to the studio for the next couple of episodes. To start us off, Gabriel came by to help me discover the Curious Clever Handed Recluse. As we waded through the waters of the Curious Clever Handed Recluse, we discovered more about girlfriend potato chips, electric balls, gut feelings, and we got caught up on Haley Joel Osmond’s career. Most Egregious Error: I said that there is only one species of nautilus. I was so wrong. There are 6 species of n