"seeking Justice" Live Radio Talk

The Durham Rescue Mission & Homeless Shelter



CEO & Founder Dr. Ernie Mills gave an historical and poignant framing  of his life story that led him to create The Durham Rescue Mission & Homeless Shelter (DRMHS) in Durham, North Carolina. This national leading and innovative organization provides one of the most emulated programs/organization for Homeless Individuals in our country. With its focus on drug rehabilitation, work training, education, and counseling, the outreach and success of this organization is as groundbreaking today as it was in 1974 when Dr. Mills opened the doors of his own home to homeless men and later broke ground on the building(s) that would become the DRMHS. Dr. Mills' revealed his own personal family ties to homelessness that continue to motivate his caring for those who need the loving support of the communities surrounding the Triangle of North Carolina. He discussed how the monies donated to the shelter were specifically allotted and generated a $4+ return to the community for every $1 donated. Further news he discuss