"seeking Justice" Live Radio Talk

Anna Richards, President, NAACP Chapel Hill, North Carolina



President Anna Richards of the NAACP in Chapel Hill/Carrboro, North Carolina presented a history of the NAACP from its formation in the early 1900's through present day. She especially upheld the many women responsible for making the NAACP happen both at its inception and throughout the decades that followed.  Anna discussed in depth the important role the NAACP has had in shaping of American history since its inception. Anna discussed the role the NAACP had in supporting the Chapel Hill 9 (just commemorated in Chapel Hill yesterday) and presented the ongoing work that is planned to honor the nine young students who protested at the lunch counter on February 28, 1960. She called for inclusion of any females who had also participated in the years of work that took place from 1960-1962 in the Civil Rights Movement in Chapel Hill to obtain fair and equal treatment. During my interview with Anna, we discussed how women have been treated throughout the decades and the structural systemic disparities that have exis