"seeking Justice" Live Radio Talk

The PUSH of Day to Day Living. The PULL of the Unknown



Experiencing a little cabin fever?  Listen to one of the most engaging Psychiatrists you'll ever hear talk about his own experience of cabin fever right now and our recommendations for ways to get through this pandemic. Dr. Allen O'Barr, Psychiatrist & Director of the UNC Chapel Hill Counseling Center discusses our collective experiences with cabin fever and mental health during our long quarantine. You will likely find his words informative, entertaining & comforting.  We further discussed how to understand the wait humans must endure while a vaccine is formulated and distributed... and whether this is a "new normal" or a temporary state between now and what will come. Dr. O'Barr recommends formulating a couple of contingency plans for the future, accepting that some realities will change permanently and others will be improved as humans create a cleaner, safer ways to come back together.