"seeking Justice" Live Radio Talk

The Right to VOTE-A Positive Change or A Negative Change



August 26, 2020 marked 100 years since women received the right to vote in the United States, beginning a cataclysmic cultural change in American society. "If Anti-Suffragist  Women [against the right to vote] could walk & talk in today's world, what would they say to us?" Dr. John Paul Middlesworth (Director) Beverly Cordes (Advocate & Actress) and Annie Taft (Playwright & President of Odyssey Stage) discuss their recent virtual production of "An Anti-Suffragette Monologue:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQwFh6JmM0I&t=1147s Based on Marie Jenny Howe's play of the same title.  The short production (now on You Tube - linked above) displays the feelings of women who did NOT support the suffrage movement.  We discussed the many counterpoints that these anti-suffragist women make and what they reveal to us about the cultural norms of American/world society then and how much society has and has not changed since. Short clips were shown during this recording - made simultaneously on zoom and recor