Kevin Ward's Yes Talk | Real Estate Coaching And Success Training For Agents

Yestalk-179 - How to Never Be Late Again



Go to to get more information about Kevin Ward's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live. ___ For most people, showing up late is a habit. It tends to be a pattern that repeats. But the problem is not time management. It’s the choices we make. It’s crucial to fix this problem because when you’re always late, this tells people that they can’t trust you. You gave them your word that you were going to show up at a specific time, but you were late. It also tells them that you don’t respect them enough to be there on time. It reflects the choices you make that put you in that position. How do you never be late again? 1. Commit to perfection that you will never be late again. Believe that it’s possible. For example, professional athletes never show up late for practice or for a game. Don’t make being on time an option. 2. Plan to arrive 5-15 minutes early. 3. Assess the surrounding time commitments you have. Are there other appointments before it? Be sure to have enough time between comm