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27. Carl Sagan: The First Science Guy



Carl Sagan is an inspiration to us all. This week, they guys bring in Ingrid Ockert, a PhD student at Princeton University and an expert in the inner and outer machinations of science communication. Ingrid offers insight into the history of modern science education, while everyone waxes poetic about the man, the myth, the legend: Carl Sagan.   Places to Donate for Hurricane Irma American Red Cross: Usually the first group people think of when giving after a disaster. It says it is providing shelters for those displaced by Harvey, and it has thousands of volunteers on the ground in the state. Global Giving: A charity crowdfunding site that is attempting to raise $2 million to be used exclusively for local relief and recovery efforts. Airbnb: The hospitality company is working to coordinate people in need of a place to stay with people willing to offer a free room.   Links: Ad Astra T-Shirt Competition These Vibes Are Too Cosmic Carl Sagan & Bill Nye BEYOND THE HORIZON Red Rocket’s Glare Space and the