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33. Get over to the Hill!



What are you waiting for? Join us on Capitol Hill for some Planetary Society events. Oh, and check out this week's episode, featuring committee hearing, Luxembourg, and some awesome upcoming events! Also, commercial satellites may provide faster and more reliable internet for the planet, and may come online soon to help the people of Puerto Rico. XCOR may be staring death straight in the eyes as SpaceX is awarded more money from the Air Force, and Blue Origin reminds us once again that they're still in the game.  Jack’s fundraiser for RAINN   Latest from Washington Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on Commercial Satellite Industry   Space News Highlight of the Week Hurry! Come to these awesome Planetary Society events in DC!   After Cassini: What’s Next? Happy Hour with Casey Dreier and Jason Callahan   International News Luxembourgers and Google helping out Puerto Rico   Latest in Tech Air Force adds more than $40 million to SpaceX engine contract New NASA Study Improves Search for Habitable Worlds XCOR is