Gulfcast: Dispatches From The Gulf

GulfCast Ep. 22 - Rita Colwell: Breaking Down Barriers



Renowned microbiologist, oceanographer, and Chair of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI), Dr. Rita Colwell was met with pushback as a woman starting her career in science. She heard things like, “Oh, we don’t waste fellowships on women.” And “Add a man. It’ll give it credibility.” She fought back and quickly disproved the precept that there are no career options for women in the field. She has risen to the top of academia and is an inspiration to aspiring scientists. Here’s a highlight from the fascinating interview Dr. Colwell gave to Joan Michelson of Green Connections Radio. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The complete interview (37 min.) can be heard on Green Connections Radio by visting: