I'm Difficult & Demanding Podcast: Keeping It Real On The Ridiculous World We Live In

#57 Dating the Elite by D'ffecult and D'manding



ALERT: Episode 58 is my next RIDICULOUS episode.  The release date is December 28, 2018.  Here is this episode's Real Talk Highlight: Real advice on how to land and keep dating the wealthy, the powerful, the privileged NOW, as always, I am Keeping It Real and this episode is no different.  So, climb aboard and enjoy the entire SHOW, because I am giving PLENTY of ridiculous honesty! Once the podcast episode ends, you can watch the Difficult & Demanding Podcast Sideshow on YouTube or IGTV.  You can also reach out to me on Instagram @difficultanddemanding and through my DM or leave a comment on one of my posts.   Now, GIVE, GIVE, GIVE my episode links to friends, family, and associates.  We can BRING laughter to others and you can show your love for this podcast. FIND Me on: Itunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, SoundCloud, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, iHeartRadio