I'm Difficult & Demanding Podcast: Keeping It Real On The Ridiculous World We Live In

#61 Sexually Conservative Millennials by D'ffecult and D'manding



ALERT: Episode 62 is my next RIDICULOUS episode.  The release date is January 25, 2019.  Here are this episode's Real Talk Highlight: Should we ascribe hooking up to the millennial generation? A simple and courageous way to increase your attractiveness, desirability, and magnetism. NOW, as always, I am Keeping It Real and this episode is no different.  So, climb aboard and enjoy the entire SHOW, because I am giving PLENTY of ridiculous honesty! FIND Me on: Itunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, SoundCloud, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, iHeartRadio