I Heard That Was Good

Episode 007 - Schlorp! Schlorp! Schlorp!



First of all THANK YOU for giving IHTWG our best week ever as far as listens last week! Hope you continue to listen this week!I review Django Unchained (Schlorp!) and This is 40.Trailer reviews: A Good Day To Die Hard and Movie 43.Which leads us to answer some listener questions like: Why do they keep making awful horror movies like Texas Chainsaw 3D?Joe Dirt and the weird framing device shoehorned into that movie.AMC's Story Notes is cool until it's dumb.A brief dalliance back to Christmas movies and Mary Steenburgen's unbelievable reaction to her husband's illegitimate adult child in Elf.Back to radio, what sci-fi film features the radio host I asipre to be? (Hint: Giant blonde hair wang) Movie NEWZ about Star Wars VII and Field of Dreams (Carson's been there!)We pontificate on a sequel in the Three Men series (Baby, Little Lady) and stumble on the fact that THREE MEN AND A BABY AND HOME IMPROVEMENT TAKE PLACE IN THE SAME UNIVERSE!!!!! The famous movie character that shares the name Tim Murphy.