Loud Mute Radio With Barb Rentenbach And Lois Prislovsky, Phd, Of Mule And Muse

Teenage Authenticity, Autism and Neurodiversity with Jessica Wilson



Welcome to the debut of Loud Mute Radio! We are excited to have you along on this journey filled firsts. It's our first full show, our first guests, and without a doubt, the WORLD's FIRST EVER radio show hosted by an autistic mute. So settle in and enjoy! On today's show, we start things off with a candid conversation with Jake Yount - a 15-year-old actor and writer working to instill in all of us our own unique happy place. Then, our featured guests is Jess Wilson, the amazing woman behind the popular "A Diary of A Mom" blog (adiaryofamom.wordpress.com/). She shares loving and passionate insights into the lessons she's been able to learn from raising two amazing daughters, Katie and Brooke -- who, like show host Barb, is autistic. We then wrap things up with Ask Barb, which is your chance to ask this autistic mute your own pressing questions.