Fit & Nourished Mind With Emily Gough And Kate Hoerner

035 - Thong Bikinis, Birthmarks, and Body Image



Not many people have a healthy relationship with their bodies. In fact, to a certain degree most of us attach our self-worth to our physical appearance, and this ends up holding us back from living our best lives. In this episode, we talk about the struggle of having a negative body image, and what it can do to our confidence. We also give some of our best tips for moving past this negative body image so you can feel secure and proud in your own skin. To name a few: Gratitude - Focus on what each piece of your body does, not what it looks like Stop the self-deprecating comments Unfollow social media accounts that make you feel crappy Lift heavy and exercise Ditch the old jeans that don't fit anymore and buy yourself some new digs Plus so much more! What you look like does not define who you are- your self worth is inherent and confidence starts from within. If you want to improve your body image, start here, with us, and give this episode a listen.   Episode Resources "Must Be Nice" episode Life Coach Scho