More Travel In Life

035 Unsettle Down: Transitioning From 2 Years of Full-Time Family Travel



What do we often NOT talk about with full-time travel? Transitioning from full-time travel back to 'normal' life. Priorities shift.  Chelsea, Matt, and Kai learned many lessons from two years on the road, many about themselves... and that priorities change. Deciding to return to a home base after full-time family travel, they had to redefine what life would look like for their family.  They still refuse to settle. Now back in the US after transitioning from full-time travel, hear how they've woven their travel lessons into every aspect of their lives -- and how they're sharing their passion and support for any lifestyle that doesn't settle.  EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: Don’t share the plan until the plan is well in motion Focusing on why - the importance of keeping goals top of mind when traveling Slow travel is a must when working remotely Long term travel is a marathon - not a sprint Listening to the whispers & intuition Knowing when to transition  Preparing mentally for the end of full-time travel Working the